General Policy

The General Policy of theUniversitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is set out by the Board of Trustees (MWA) for each Rector’s leadership period for a term of 5 (five) years. This is in accordance with the mandate of Article 27 Paragraph (1) of the Government Regulation No. 16 of 2014 concerning the Statutes of USU. The General Policy of USU for the Period of 2016-2021 is stipulated by the Regulation of MWA No. 17 of 2016 consisting of Academic and Non-Academic fields as the following.


  1. The General Policy of USU for the Period of 2016-2021 is based on Three Pillars of Higher Education in accordance with the vision and mission of theUniversitas Sumatera Utara which become the orientation in implementing the USU education development as a Legal Entity State University. The vision of USU is to become a university with academic excellence as a barometer of scientific progress which is globally competitive;
  2. The Mission of USU is to organize autonomy-based higher education that becomes a medium for the development of character and professionalism of its human resources based on empowerment containing the spirit of education democratization that recognizes plurality within an educational orientation emphasizing the aspects of finding alternative solutions to actual problems based on scientific study, morality, conscience.

Academic Field

  1. To produce graduates who become agents of change as a force of modernization in the wider community life, who have scientific competence, strong relevance and competitiveness, and ethical conduct of behavior; and
  2. To implement, develop, and improve education, research culture and community service programs in order to improve academic quality by developing superior sciences, which are beneficial to better life of the wider community
  3. To develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe in and fear of God the Almighty, and are well-mannered, healthy, knowledgeable, professional, creative, independent, skilled, competent, and cultured for the nation’s interest.
  4. To produce qualified graduates who are able to develop sciences, technology, humanities, and arts, based on religious morals, and are able to compete at national and international level;
  5. To create an adaptive, creative, and proactive autonomy towards community demands and development challenges, both nationally and internationally;
  6. To provide an opportunity for community participation in the implementation and quality control of higher education services, and an access to disadvantaged groups;
  7. To improve skills in developing expertise for the lecturers and education personnel in their respective areas and to package them in a ready-to-use form in accordance with the concept of PTN-BH (Legal Entity State University) by developing the concept of link and match .


1. Organization and Management

  1. To obtain legal certainty that embodies the autonomy and public accountability in developing theUniversitas Sumatera Utara in accordance with the change of status as a Legal Entity State University as regulated in the Laws and Regulations;
  2. To restructure, reposition and revitalize all aspects of the university organization so as to form a new system of governance in accordance with the concept of Legal Entity State University;
  3. To continuously develop, implement and improve the quality of management system to create an organization with reliable governance system as a development form of existing regulations in accordance with the needs of internal competition and teamwork in the direction of USU development; and.
  4. In line with the increase of USU autonomy with its new status as a Legal Entity State University, USU has to design and implement good university governance, with national and international accreditation standards.

2. Human Resources

  1. To develop and implement human resource management system in accordance with the concept of Legal Entity State University;
  2. To plan, recruit and develop effective, efficient and equitable human resource management that is loyal to develop the organization of USU;
  3. To create a work culture conducive to work and to pursue achievements for all the students, lecturers and education personnel;
  4. To provide reward and sanction system with effective and efficient performance management system; and
  5. Human capital and physical assets of USU are utilized for Tridharma activities in order to create added value beneficial to the society and USU, in order to be sustainable.

3. Finance

  1. To develop and implement an integrated and transparent financial management system, based on the principles of good university governance, in accordance with the concept of Legal Entity State University; 
  2. To organize and manage appropriate and fair education funding with a standard financial accounting system which is based on the principles of transparency and accountability and is announced in the media, among others, on the USU website;
  3. To explore various funding sources to create an increasing number and source of funding to finance adequate management, operation and investment to support the functioning of the internal control system of the university as a modern and well-developed educational institution;
  4. To realize a substantial source of funding for the development of the university through cooperation with alumni, industry and other non-binding parties;
  5. Budget allocations to USU units are conducted on a performance basis and each unit needs to be aware of costs in determining its activities based on the needs of the Tridharma of higher education;
  6. University financial managers apply accrual-based accounting;
  7. Financial reports are prepared in accordance with applicable financial accounting standards.

4. Quality Assurance

  1. To develop a quality assurance system for education, research and community service programs in accordance with national and international accreditation standards;
  2. To implement the quality management system in all academic and non-academic units within the university so as to produce the best graduates, research products and services to provide added value for the stakeholders’ needs in accordance with National or International Accreditation Standards; and
  3. To conduct monitoring and evaluation of education and teaching quality improvements, research and community services in accordance with national and international accreditation standards.

5. Facilities and Infrastructure

  1. To complete inventory and legal certainty on all assets of USU in accordance with the concept of Legal Entity State University; 
  2. To establish long-term mapping and master plans according to the needs of teaching, research, and community service;
  3. Campus facilities must be managed efficiently and optimally using technology (Smart Campus);
  4. Student dormitories should be developed to accommodate USU students during their first year and supplemented with character education programs;
  5. To manage canteens and relocate them to be comfortable places for students and lecturers to meet and interact;
  6. To manage and develop laboratories that can be used for academic activities and research cooperation;
  7. To schedule maintenance program for facilities and infrastructure so that the life time of those facilities and infrastructure remains economical;
  8. To efficiently use the space and land;
  9. To improve the quality of comfort, tranquility, and security of USU campus life;
  10. To develop a policy of utilizing information and communication technology that enables university to perform its duties professionally so that academic societies can work more productively and efficiently;
  11. To redesign, build and implement management information systems in various aspects of university administration including: academic administration, personnel, finance, student affairs, alumni, planning and cooperation, infrastructure and library assets;
  12. To develop infrastructure and asset management with effective information and communication technology facilities so as to support the whole process of university learning and management;
  13. To develop infrastructure and asset management enabling the establishment of a centralized system that can improve management efficiency and effectiveness to support all university management and operational activities;
  14. To maintain and improve the quality and capacity of various facilities and infrastructure which is capable of encouraging the enhancement of the various programs organized by the university;
  15. To develop business policies and improve the system and management quality of various business units so as to provide good services, encourage the growth of successful business units and become an alternative source of income for the university;
  16. To develop facilities and infrastructure which are capable of supporting the function of universities in the development of culture, science, technology transfer and as agents in national economic development; and
  17. To develop the Bekala Campus in support of the goals and functions of the university and the University's Strategic Plans.