Fakultas Farmasi


Historical Background

The Department of Pharmacy was established in 1969 under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences due to the high demand for pharmacists in the Sumatra region; at that time, there was only one Department of Pharmacy at University of Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra. Since its establishment in 1969, the program has launched several study programs as follows:


In 1969, a Pharmacist Profession Program (along with Bachelor’s Degree of Pharmacy) was opened. Since 1999, the Pharmacist Profession Program has been separated from the bachelor’s degree program of Pharmacy (S1);

  • In 1994, the Diploma Degree in Pharmaceutical Analyst was opened;
  • In 2000, the Master’s Degree Program in Pharmaceutical Science was opened;
  • In 2002, the Extension Program of bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy was opened;         
  • In 2009, the Doctoral Degree Program in Pharmaceutical Science was opened.


After the change of USU’s status as the State-Owned University Legal Entity (BHMN) based on Government Regulation No. 56/2003, on 11 November 2003, all programs at USU changed the program name from a study program into a Department. Later, on Tuesday, 8 August 2006, the Rector issued the Decree No. 1050/J05/SK/KP/2006, concerning the opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Therefore, starting from the date of the decree, the Department of Pharmacy became known as the Faculty of Pharmacy (the 11th Faculty at USU) and was officially separated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


In 2007, in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 163/DIKTI/KEP/2007 on 29 November 2007 concerning the Arrangement and Codification of Study Program at the universities,


the program’s names were adjusted to the attachment of the decree; the adjustments were as follows:

  • Bachelor’s Degree Program of Pharmacy (S-1)
  • Study Program of Pharmacist Profession (P3A) Diploma Program of Pharmaceutical and Food Analyst (D-3)
  • Extension (Undergraduate) Program of Pharmacy
  • Master’s Degree Program of Pharmacy
  • Doctoral Degree Program of Pharmaceutical Science.



To become one of the leading Pharmacy Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia in 2020.



  • To develop superior human resources in the field of pharmacy;
  • To develop and implement more meaningful pharmaceutical science in the



  • To produce competent pharmacists with high moral value and the spirit of Pancasila in the field of Pharmaceutical Science.
  • To produce graduates capable of working together with other health professionals in optimizing public health.
  • To produce graduates capable of applying pharmaceutical science for community benefit.



FACULTY OF PHARMACY http://ffar.usu.ac.id/
Study Programs/Departments    
Diploma Study Program  
Food and Pharmacy Analysis http://analisfarmasi.usu.ac.id/
Bachelo's Degree Programs  
Pharmacy  http://psfarmasi.usu.ac.id/
Professional Pharmacist  
Master’s Degree  Program  
Doctoral Degree  Program  
Pharmaceutical Science (S3) http://doktoralfarmasi.usu.ac.id/



Jl. Tri Dharma No. 5

Pintu 4 USU Campus, Medan 20155

Phone : +62 61 8223558; 8219775

Fax : +62 61 8223558