The program of research grant for lecturers sourced from USU Community Fund is aimed at organizing research activities in nurturing and directing USU researchers to improve their ability in conducting research at the university.


The scope of this program covers researches in the fields of health, law, social-humanities, agriculture, mathematics and natural sciences, education, engineering, economics, religion, literature-philosophy, psychology, arts, and culture. The research is primarily aimed for lecturers who have yet held functional position of Senior Lecturer and hold no doctoral degree.


In addition to directing and developing the ability to do research, this program is also expected to serve as a medium of training for lecturers to publish their research results both in accredited local and national journals. Upon completion of the research, the researchers are required to submit their research reports, publication output, and are expected to extend their research into higher levels of research programs.


The objectives of junior lecturer research are:

  • to direct and nurture lecturer’s ability in doing a research
  • to serve as a medium of training for junior lecturers to publish their research results in scientific journals, both for local and national accredited journals.


Research Output

The output of this Junior Lecturer's Research is in the form of scientific publication in a nationally accredited journal.

Additional outputs expected from the research include:

  • proceedings at local, regional and national level seminars,
  • teaching materials enrichment