The Board of Trustees (MWA) is composed of 21 members representing the Minister, the Rector, Academic Senate (SA) and Community. The members of MWA are appointed and dismissed by the Minister for Research, Technology and Higher Education based on the recommendation from the Academic Senate. The 8 MWA members representing Academic Senate are selected from and by the Academic Senate. The 11 MWA members representing the community are recommended by the Academic Senate. All the MWA members serve for a period of 5 years and may be re-elected for another term of office.

The MWA has a number of specific duties and authorities such as to: (1) establish general policies of USU; (2) appoint and dismiss the Rector; (3) approve the long-term plan, strategic plan, and work plan and budget plan of the university; (4) implement supervision and general control over the management of the university; (5) assess the performance of the university executive boards; (6) provide the last decision and solution to the problem at the university; (7) maintain relationship and networks with institutions or other parties outside the university; (8) conduct fund raising activities with the Rector; (9) With the Rector, prepare and submit the annual report to the Minister; (10) approve MWA regulation proposed by the Academic Senate; (11) establish regulations on governing and management principles of the university; (12) provide consideration, recommendation, and evaluation on the implementation of long-term plans, university strategic plans, work plans, and annual budgets, university governing and management system, and the implementation of the MWA Regulations; (13) Provide opinion and/or recommendation to the Rector on the governing and management of the university; and (14) appoint and approve an Audit Committee (KA), as well as an independent and professional external auditor.

The composition of Board of Trustees – University of Sumatera Utara

No. Name Position Wakil Unsur
 Todung Mulya Lubis 1 Prof. Dr. Todung Mulya Lubis, S.H., L.L.M. Ketua Masyarakat
 Fahmi Natigor Nasution Fahmi Natigor Nasution, S.E., M.Acc., Ak., C.A. Sekretaris Senat Akademik USU
 Mohamad Nasir Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak.  Anggota Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi
 Wagubsu T Erry Nuradi Ir. H. Tengku Erry Nuradi M.Si. Anggota Masyarakat (Gubernur Sumatera Utara)
 Runtung 5 Prof. Dr. Runtung, S.H., M.Hum. Anggota Rektor USU
 sofyan raz Drs. H. Sofyan Raz, Ak., M.M. Anggota Masyarakat (Ketua Ikatan Alumni USU)
 Asrul Masir Harahap Ir. Asrul Masir Harahap, M.Pd. Anggota Masyarakat
 Chairuddin P Lubis Prof. dr. Chairuddin P. Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K.) Anggota Masyarakat
 Chairul Muluk Dr. Ir. Chairul Muluk, M.Sc. Anggota Masyarakat
 Panusunan Pasaribu 10  Drs. H. Panusunan Pasaribu, M.M. Anggota Masyarakat
 Rustam Effendi Nainggolan 11  Dr. Rustam Effendi Nainggolan, M.M. Anggota Masyarakat
 Sabri Basyah 12  Bpk. Sabri Basyah Anggota Masyarakat
 Timin Bingei Purba Siboro 13  Bpk. Timin Bingei Bingei Purba Siboro Anggota Masyarakat
 Tinah Bingei Tanoto 14  Ibu Tinah Bingei Tanoto Anggota Masyarakat
 Bismar Nasution 15  Prof. Dr. Bismar Nasution, S.H., M.H. Anggota Senat Akademik USU
 Hakim Bangun 16  Prof. Dr. Hakim Bangun, Apt. Anggota Senat Akademik USU
 Hamidah Harahap 17  Dr. Ir. Hamidah Harahap, M.Sc. Anggota Senat Akademik USU
 Harmein Nasution 18  Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmein Nasution, M.S.I.E. Anggota Senat Akademik USU
 Nurlisa Ginting 19  Ir. Nurlisa Ginting, M.Sc., Ph.D. Anggota Senat Akademik USU
 Syafruddin Kalo 20  Prof. Dr. Syafruddin Kalo, S.H., M.Hum. Anggota Senat Akademik USU
 Urip Harahap 21  Prof. Dr. Urip Harahap, Apt. Anggota Senat Akademik USU

