Fakultas Keperawatan


Historical Background


The establishment of the Nursing Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine resulted from the agreement between Consortium Health Science (CHS) and the Deans of State Faculty of Medicines all over Indonesia. The Faculty of Medicine at USU was entrusted to perform the Nursing Science Study Program. Based on the Proposal Letter of the Dean No. 1471/PTO5.H4/FK/C.91, the Rector issued the Decree No. 1214/PT05.H/SK/C.1991 concerning the Establishment of the Preparation Committee for the Nursing Science Program.


After several academic phases involving CHS and the Health Regional Office of North Sumatra Province, the structural management of the Nursing Science Program was established based on the Rector’s Decree No. 1328/PT.05.H/SK/C.1994. The Nursing Science Program was established in 1995, although it was suspended by the Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 471/D/T/1995 for its inadequate qualification due to the fact that the Faculty of Medicine did not employ lecturers graduating from Nursing Science.


Four years after being suspended, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of Education and Culture, through the Decree No. 116/DIKTI/Kep/1999 on 7 April 1999, allowed the Faculty of Medicine to continue Nursing Science Program.


Before gaining status as a faculty, USU attached the program under the management of the Faculty of Medicine. By the issuance of the Decree of USU Rector No. 1221/H5.1.R/SK/SDM/2009 on 23 June 2009 on the Establishment of Faculty of Nursing, the Program then officially became the Faculty of Nursing.



To be the center of Nursing Sciences development and learning activities with Holistic Care Principles to enhance competitive advantages nationally, regionally, and globally in 2020.



  • To prepare students to be nurses with academic/professional ability in implementing, developing, and enriching nursing science and technology and to be competitively reliable.
  • To develop and promote nursing science and technology and its implementation through a qualified process of education, research and community service.
  • To broaden opportunities for learning in fulfilling the national demand and to modernize effective learning activities using information and communication technology.



FACULTY OF NURSING http://fkep.usu.ac.id/
Study Programs/Programs  
Diploma IV Study Programs http://dipl-keperawatan.usu.ac.id/
Nursing Science http://keperawatan.usu.ac.id/
Professional Nurse http://ppners.usu.ac.id/
Master’s Degree Program http://mag-keperawatan.usu.ac.id/



Jalan Prof. Maas No.03

USU Campus, Medan 20155

Phone : +62 8213318

Fax            : +62 8213318