Pijar/USER, Medan. To implement the Strategic Plan of Ministry of ResearchTechnology and Higher Education which is passed down into the strategic plan of the University of Sumatera Utara (USU) and the Rector Performance Contract, all units within USU has to prepare their Work Plan and Budget as the University's annual plan. For that purpose, a deliberative multi-stakeholder  planning and development forum (MUSRENBANG) as one of the momentous annual agenda is held by the University of Sumatera Utara which serves as a forum for socialization, communication and consultation among all existing work units to share  and discuss their planning and development programs.


The event lasts for 4 (four) days on 04-07 September 2017 at the Students’ Hall of University of Sumatera Utara under the theme of "Synergized Work Plan and Budget towards Excellent Quality Accreditation". This  year’s MUSRENBANG is  aiming at preparing Annual Work Plan and Budget (RKAT) for the fiscal year of 2018. At the event, USU invited Head of Planning Bureau of Ministry of ResearchTechnology and Higher Education, Dr. Ir. Erry Ricardo Nurzal, MT, MPA, and R. Tryogo Atmodipoero, the Director of Planning of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) as keynote speakers to give insights and recommendation on the preparation of USU Work Plan and Annual Budget.



The  activity is mainly focused on the coordination, integration and synchronization of work plans to avoid overlapping program and budget. In addition to that, it also aims at setting up priority on the programs with significant and measurable impacts synergized with the Rector’s work programs and the University Strategic Planning.


This RKAT will serve as a guideline in preparing the unit’s work plan for the intended year. Each program and plan will be supervised and be supported by the university to achieve excellent quality accreditation. In his welcoming speech, the Rector  Prof. Dr. Runtung Sitepu, S.H., M.Hum stated “the target of holding MUSRENBANG meeting is to achieve 2018 budget absorption so that the programs that have been mutually agreed are successful".


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This activity also discussed and evaluated the long term 2016-2012 strategic plan of the university and all the units underneath. The main topic of discussion outlined in the priority of the Rector’s program as the following: (1) to achieve institutional excellent accreditation and to reach 80% of the study programs with A category accreditation; (2) to achieve ideal lecturer-student ratio; (3) to increase the percentage of lecturers with doctoral degrees; (4) to increase the number of researches and community programs; (5) to increase the number of publications on accredited international journals and intellectual properties; (6) to increase the number of student achievements  in national and international competitions; (7) to re-organize financial management system and to improve non-tax state revenues; (8) to procure facilities and infrastructure for learning activities and accreditation; (9) to optimize the functions of information system center and documentation; (10) to increase the number and value of cooperation.

The Rector hopes this activity brings momentum for the University of Sumatra Utara in becoming a leading university outside Java Island and to improve the web ranking position of USU at the national and international level. He further hopes that by improving the synergy among all units within the University of Sumatra Utara, the stipulated targets and achievements can be obtained within this period. (Muhammad Kurniawan/Pijar/USER/rds)