Pijar, Medan. Again, USU served as the host of IMT-GT event. A rousing opening ceremony of the 19th IMT-GT Varsity Carnival was held the Auditorium Hall on Saturday (5/8/2017). Representatives from three countries including Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand attended the event. IMT-GT Varsity Carnival is an annually organized event for the members to share, compete and show their performances.

The event began with a gala dinner with the entire entourage. Next, the MC opened the event, and the anthems of the three respective countries were sung, Indonesia Raya, Negaraku and Pleng Chat Thai. The next sessions were a report delivered by the Chairman of the Committee, a welcoming speech delivered by the Vice Rector IV Prof. Dr. Ir. Bustami Syam, M. S. M. E., and a few words from the President of IMT-GT Varsity Carnival Council Prof. Supote Kovitaya.




In his welcoming address, Prof. Supote Kovitaya explained that the purpose of this event is to facilitate the three countries to be able to develop themselves and to constantly maintain a good relationship as well as to unite different ethnicities. He also expected that this event can encourage students to get to know more students from overseas, which eventually allow them to expand their insights.

In the meantime, responding to Prof. Supote Kovitaya’s speech, the Vice Rector IV delivered his welcoming speech to the delegates from Malaysia and Thailand with an encouragement of building up an open and good relationship. At the end of his welcoming address Prof. Dr. Ir. Bustami Syam, M. S. M. E. asserted “If you find any difficulty, talk to us!”.



The opening ceremony was officially marked with a beating of gong on stage by Prof. Supote Kovitaya, the Vice Rector IV of USU, the Rector of UNIMED, the Rector of ITM and the representative for chairman of the committee, Isman Nuriadi. The gong beating was witnessed by all participants from 10 participating universities at the 19th IMT-GT Varsity Carnival, including USU, UNIMED and ITM as the participants representing Indonesia; UITM, UUM, University of Sains Malaysia and UNIMAP as the representatives of Malaysia; and Rajamanggala University, WU, and PSU as the representatives of Thailand.

Muhammad Yusri, one of the dance competition participants from UNIMAP Malaysia admitted that he is happy to participate in the event and is satisfied with the service by the host, “This is my first time taking part, I feel a little bit nervous but Thank God, I have done well tonight. We are happy. The host has been doing a great job, the activities are good, the event chronology is well set, the liaison officers are excellent, as of today we feel extremely happy, and the food has been good, and the accommodation is great,” said Muhammad Yusri.

The series of the 19th IMT-GT Varsity Carnival event will last for five days from 5th to 10th August 2017. IMT-GT Varsity Carnival comprises three competitions namely the sports event that will take place at USU, the culture event that will take place at UNIMED and the seminar that will take place at ITM. Meanwhile, the closing ceremony will be held at UNIMED. (Nurrafiqa/Magma/rds)