Pijar, Medan. A Nation will be able to develop if it has entrepreneurs at least two percent of its total population. Until now, Indonesia still needs more entrepreneurs to boost the economy of the country. With the growing number of entrepreneurs, it will certainly increase the number of jobs. The quality of people's welfare can creep up as well.

Therefore, the Student Entrepreneurship Center (SEC) invited the students to the Business Plan Workshop. The training was held on Tuesday, June 13, 2017, in the Meeting Room at the 2nd floor of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Starting at 09.00 WIB, the event was opened by the Vice Dean I of FISIP Husni Thamrin, S.Sos., MSP. The purpose of this training is to encourage more students to start a business as entrepreneur. The opening session was followed by the learning sessions. Syafrizal Helmi, the lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Business, became the resource person on the first session. He explained some important things related to the entrepreneurial world. Game Changing, Create Your Market Name, and Make a Collaboration were the three points delivered by Syafrizal. In addition, he also ranked three types of successful entrepreneurs: innovators, connectors, and adaptors.


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“Currently, when talking about entrepreneurship, we should not jump to profit orientation because today’s business trends have been led to social business. So, in addition to help ourselves, it can certainly be useful for others,” said Syafrizal in his presentation.

The training was attended by more than 100 students. It was held in FISIP and also at the Institute for Research and Community Development (LPPM). In addition to the opening session on entrepreneurship, the SEC also presented Dra. Lisa Marlina, M.Si to talk about the financial management in a business unit. The SEC itself has one sustainable entrepreneurship program, the Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW). This program is open to all students, ranging from those who need business funding to those who want to start a business. However, basically the funding is given to the students based on the selected business plan. The business plan should be “accountable”, so the funding can be granted. In other words, students who get the funds are expected to be consistent and continuously running the business.


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In fact, entrepreneurs are now dominantly choosing to design their business in big cities. Whereas, some areas in Indonesia still needs to be developed. With the existence of PMW in the SEC, it is expected to increase the number of young entrepreneurs from the green campus of North Sumatra. (RGA/Incandescent/rds)