Prof. Abdelkrim Aoudia, the scientist from International Center for Theoretical physics (ICTS) Tieste, Italy, became the speaker at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Thursday (May 4, 2017). The FGD with the theme “Lake Toba, From Hazard to Competitiveness through Science” was attended by three community elements including the Central and Local Government (the Representatives from the Local Government of Humbang Hasundutan Regency and Toba Samosir Regency), Non-Governmental Institution (Pecinta Danau Toba Foundation, Lakspeda of North Sumatra, Horas Halak Hita of North Sumatra, and BR-GKT of North Sumatra), and Academic Society (Tourism Development Working Group of Lake Toba of USU, DEL University, UNITA, and Simalungun University).




Prof. Abdelkrim Aoudia in his presentation conveyed the development and the growth of Lake Toba tourism area by exploring the potential of Lake Toba from the economic, social and scientific point of view.



Abdelkrim emphasized the importance of Research Center that should have been established in Lake Toba to assist researchers in conducting their research on the existence of natural physiology (Natural Resources) of Lake Toba in the region. In addition, the existence of Research Center would be a leading sector that could provide information and current data about the existence and physical status of nature in Lake Toba.




According to Prof. Abdelkrim, another function of the Research Center was a place for various information exchanges (information sharing) with stakeholders associated with the natural physical data of Lake Toba. The Research Center would also play the role of the education organization as a form of community development in providing educational support to the local community in accordance with the role and capacity of each community so that people have the same interpretation and understanding related to physical, natural and environment facts in the area of ​​Lake Toba.

The FGD was also attended by Parlindungan Purba, a community leader of North Sumatra and also a member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD). Further on Friday (May 5, 2017) Prof. Abdelkrim delivered a Public Lecture for the lecturers and students of USU. (vie/rds)