
USU succeeded to become the first favorite winner during the 5th Annual Event of North Sumatra Innovation Fair in 2017 organized by the Provincial Government at Merdeka Square (11-13 May 2017). USU succeeded to become the first favorite winner by defeating other 11 universities in North Sumatra.

This event was directly opened by the Governor Ir. H. Tengku Erry Nuradiini. USU presented several innovations created by the lecturers and students such as Water Steam, Diabetes Detector through Breath, Salted Fish Dryer by Solar Power, Soil Humidity Detection Equipment from Shells of Marine Animals and Smart Decorative Light (Innovation from Physics Study Program), Chitin Chitosan Capsule to reduce bad fats in the body (Innovation from Chemical Sciences Study Program) and Education Applications (Innovation from the Incubator Center).

The success of the Innovation Team cannot be separated from the full support of the Rector Prof. Dr. Runtung, S.H., M.Hum and the Vice Rector III Drs. Mahyuddin K. M Nasution,  MIT., Ph.D together with their staff. In addition, gratitude is also expressed to the Innovation Team chaired by Dr. Tulus Ikhsan Nasution along with his staff Prof. Dr. Harry Agusnar, Dr. Susilawati, Dr. Irwana Nainggolan and Prof. Dr. Ritha Dalimunthe, M.Si.

The innovation that most attracted to the visitors is a detector of diabetes through breath. One of the hundreds of visitors participating in trying out the diabetes detector through breath is the Governor’s wife Evi Diana Sitorus. “This diabetes detector through breath has more advantages than the instrument using blood samples. It is not painful, practical and more accurate as well as more sophisticated because the data can be read directly on cellphone,” said Rica Asrosa, the student of Physics Study Program as well as the assistant researcher of Dr. Tulus Ikhsan Nasution. She also said that this instrument is in the process of patenting in the Institute of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Meanwhile, the innovative steam-electric power station, invented by Dr. Tulus Ikhsan Nasution, Dr. Irwana Nainggolan and Muhammad Balyan, has already obtained the PATENT from the Institute of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and the result of their research has been presented in the international conference on advances in functional materials 2016 in South Korea and published in Journal of Key Engineering Materials (indexed by Scopus). Muhammad Balyan, who recently completed his bachelor’s degree in Physics, said, “This steam-electric power station is a new innovation in the field of energy conversion that converts water vapor into electricity without turbines”.

The Rector’s Pride

The Rector Prof. Runtung represented by the Vice Rector III Drs. Mahyuddin KM. Nasution, Ph. D admitted that he was proud of the achievements by the USU Innovation Team at this year’s North Sumatra Innovation Fair. He encouraged the lecturers and students participating in the event to keep doing innovations for better achievements. “The lecturers and students are expected to improve their research and innovation ability in order to compete with other universities not only from North Sumatra but also from other provinces,” he said.

The North Sumatra Innovation Fair was attended by seventy-one agencies/companies throughout North Sumatra. In addition, the North Sumatra Innovation Fair Exhibition was packed professionally with interrelated supporting activities such as Development Exhibition (Local Innovation and Investment), National Arts and Culture Exhibition, Conference/Dialogue, Music Festival, Coloring Competition, Ethnic Dance Festival, Folk Entertainment, and so forth. (Vie/rds)