Medan-USU: Campus life orientation program (PKKMB) for freshmen of University of Sumatra Utara (USU) students this year is carried out on an institutional, programmed and scheduled basis. To make the activity a success requires supports from all units thus there will be no such orientation activity held at the faculty or department level as stated by the Rector Prof. Dr. Runtung, SH, M.Hum who officially opened the USU PKKMB 2017 at USU Stadium on 24/8/2017.


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"Orientation activities are aimed at growing a pride as being a part of an academic society; the University of Sumatera Utara  society, building  a sense of nationality as a manifestation of Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) motto, as well as realizing Indonesian people with quality of faith and devotion, science and technology, implementing the three pillars of Higher Education and holding the spirit of Pancasila by attending lectures and discussion forums instead of violence committed by seniors or committing actions against the prevailing rules and norms "said Prof. Runtung.


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Attending the event were Assistant for Territorial Affairs of Military Area Head of Staff (Aster Kasdam) I/Bukit Barisan (BB) Colonel Nursamsudin, the Vice Rectors, University Secretary, Expert Staffs  to the Rector, Deans and Vice Deans and the President of USU Student Association Wira Putra.

In his welcoming speech, Aster Kasdam I /BB Colonel Nursamsudin stressed on the importance of students' role in preserving unity and cherishing Indonesian culture. "Let us keep a unity in the Republic of Indonesia. For you as students, take part in our nation's development by starting to love Indonesian national culture. I am utterly concerned to see a generation of young people who are more familiar with and love other foreign culture instead of their own. If we love our own country, we can create more findings and contribute more work to the better development of Indonesia" said Colonel Nursamsudin.

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In 2017, a total of 7,995 freshmen attended PKKMB USU, as reported by the chairperson of PKKMB USU committee M. Husni, SH., M.Hum. "Today, a total of 7,995 freshmen participate in PKKMB USU. These students are from 15 faculties, including 47 bachelor’s degree study programs and 14 Diploma III programs. They are the best students who have passed an intensely competitive selection from SNMPTN (National Entry Selection for State University), SBMPTN (Joint Entry Selection for State Universities Admission), SMM (Entry Selection for Independent Admission) and SPMPD (Entry Selection for Diploma Program Students Admission). And,  from those tight selection processes, these are the winners "said M. Husni.


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Husni added that PKKMB event held from 24-29 August 2017. "This year, PKKMB USU will last for 5 days, except on Sunday. PKKMB Participants learn some lessons such as State Defense and Loving the homeland through lecturing at each faculty. In addition, the participants also engage in an outdoor outbound activity organized by each faculty" added M. Husni. (Andi / BKK/rds)