Medan–USU: The USU Students re-incised achievements in a prestigious national debate competition. Through the debate competition held by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta, USU has successfully attained various achievements on existing competitions, including; National Pharmaceutical Debate, Pharmaceutical Olympics and Scientific Papers, as stated by the Students and Alumni Bureau to the press in the Main Administration Building on Tuesday (1/8/2017).


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“This year, USU students once again got the winner at the national level competition held by the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka in Jakarta on 27-29 July 2017. This indicates that the students’ motivation in competing at a national and international level is relatively high,” said the Students and Alumni Bureau.


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To press, the Students and Alumni Bureau also explained about the details of the vote results obtained by the USU students in the competition entitled Pharmacovent 3rd “How Far You Know about Pharmacy”. The winners are:

  1. The first winners in the National Pharmaceutical debate are:

-    Hayatunnufus

-    Anna Mariamaullang

-    RiskaAmaliah


  1. The third winners in Pharmaceutical Olympics are:

-   Veronica

-   Steven Tandiono

-   Zahratulhayati


  1. The third winner in Scientific Papers is Riska Amaliah

The Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Ir. Rosmayati, MS gave a warm welcome on the achievements attained by the USU students. “USU is striving to improve its accreditation. Many aspects are evaluated in the accreditation assessment, one of which is to see how many achievements the students gain in the provincial, national and international levels. Therefore, this awards really contribute to and support USU accreditation assessment” said Prof. Rosmayati. (Andi/BKK/rds).