MEDAN: To further improve the quality of its service, since April 1, 2017, Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital has officially launched a medical specialist Center.

Dr. Maulidya Ayudika D, Sp. BTKV, the person in charge, in Medan, Tuesday (06/06/2017), said the opening of the specialist is to provide a wider and better service to the patients. Opening the center is the answer to many requests of the patients for a more intensive and specific health service.

Dr. Maulidya Ayudika further stated that the center is committed to provide high quality and wellness services conducted by medical specialists and subspecialists, professional paramedics and administrative/technician/other supporting personnel. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary services are supported by dr. Rizqi Arini Siregar, M.Ked (PD), Sp.PD (internal medicine specialist), Dr.  Endi. T. Pasaribu, MSi. Med, Sp. B (general surgery), dr. Fitriyani Nasution, M. Gizi, Sp. GK (clinical nutrition), dr. Indah Nur Lestari, M. Ked (Ped), Sp. A (pediatrics), dr. Arvitamuriany. T. Lubis, M. Ked (OG) , Sp.OG (obstetrics and gynecology), dr. Maulidya Ayudika. D, Sp. BTKV (thoracic, cardiac and vascular surgery), dr. Andi Khairul, M. Ked (cardio), Sp. JP, dr. M. Yolandi Sumadio, Sp. JP (cardiology and cardiovascular), dr. Dahniel. R. Siregar, Sp. KFR and dr. Denny Ferdiansyah, Sp. KFR (medical rehabilitation and physiotherapy), dr. Deni Nasution, Sp. BS (neurosurgery) and dr. Dina Arwina Dalimunthe, M. Ked (KK ), Sp. KK (dermatology and venereology). Besides that, dentistry and specialist dentistry services are provided. The center is open from Monday to Friday at 16:00-20:00, and closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. For more information and registration, please contact the hotline number: 081263332729/08880760027.



According to dr. Maulidya Ayudika, the specialist center carries a motto: Quality, Safety and Friendly (the same as USU Hospital motto). Other than that, USU Hospital adheres to two basic values; the first value is Salus Aegroti Suprema Lex meaning well-being of the patient is the most important law (patient-oriented service); the second value is Primum non nocere meaning the patient first, above all do not harm (patient safety). Both values ​​are displayed ​​are displayed on the front of the main building of the Hospital, hoping the principles to become the values that are imbued by all staffs of USU Hospital.

Meanwhile, Dr. dr. Nazaruddin Umar, Sp. An, KNA, the Director of Medical Services and Nursing in his speech while opening the specialist center, expressed his appreciation to the dedicated paramedics stationed in the center. He added that the board of directors fully supported the establishment of the center in its effort to help, cure and treat the patients.

He then added, after being inaugurated by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Prof. Mohammad Nasir on Monday (09/01/2017), USU Hospital located on Dr. Mansyur USU campus in Medan, received an increasing number of patients coming in both outpatients and inpatients. Moreover, the five-star accreditation award to the hospital has been regarded as a benchmark of high quality standard services and treatment.

Therefore, the Director of Medical Services and Nursing encourages all staffs of the hospital to keep the good work and making innovation in order to improve the service quality. The inauguration of the specialist center was marked by giving donation to orphans. (PR/rds)