The Mushola Prosperity Agency (BKM) of Al-Asyjaar Students of the Faculty of Forestry held a great conference under the theme “Dreams Come True”. The conference combined with the Inspiring Talk Show presented the actor of the movies entitled “Tausyiah Cinta” and “Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi”, Hamas Syahid Izzuddin. It was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, last Saturday (20/5/2017).




On that occasion, Hamas Syahid Izzuddin presented the material entitled “BaPer (Bring about a Change) ku bukan BaPer (Bring about a Change) Biasa”. The inspiring talk show presented some outstanding students of USU, Arung Buana Siregar, Jabbar Ali Panggabean and Ramlan Zuhair Pulungan presenting the material entitled “Youth with Rich Achievement” moderated by Ramadani Damanik.



The event was enlivened by several contests such as Photography Contest with the theme “nature” and Short Film Competition with the theme “Hijrah”. In addition to the contests, it also featured some art performances from Uje Bara (the Singer of Tausyiah Cinta), Hijrah Nasyid, and Angklung Performance from the Rainforest Activity Unit of the Faculty of Forestry.




The event was hosted by Luwa Heru, attended by 150 participants from universities and high schools inside and outside Medan. Rizal Fahlevi, the chairperson of BKM Baytul Asyjaar stated that this event was the initiative of Muslim students of the Faculty of Forestry to improve the spirit of bringing the good name of almamater in the future. The Faculty of Forestry is the latest faculty at USU so that this event was also intended to promote the Faculty of Forestry and BKM Al Asyjaar. (ist/rds)