Medan-USU: Campus life orientation program (PKKMB) for freshmen of University of Sumatra Utara (USU) students this year is carried out on an institutional, programmed and scheduled basis....
Pijar, Medan. Again, USU served as the host of IMT-GT event. A rousing opening ceremony of the 19th IMT-GT Varsity Carnival was held the Auditorium Hall on Saturday (5/8/2017). Representatives from...
MEDAN: The USU Hospital signed collaborative agreement with several hospitals and other health institutions. The signing took place at the Hall at the 4th Floor of USU Hospital on Monday...
Medan–USU: The USU Students re-incised achievements in a prestigious national debate competition. Through the debate competition held by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Sciences, University of...
Pijar, Medan. A lot of problems remain unresolved in different parts of the world. However, we hope that leaders of the nations are able to provide solution in the future, one of which is by...
Pijar, Medan. A Nation will be able to develop if it has entrepreneurs at least two percent of its total population. Until now, Indonesia still needs more entrepreneurs to boost the economy of the...